
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Great Satire!

A friend of mine from Charlotte, NC, James-Michael Smith is a national writer for His homepage if you would like to follow him is:

James-Michael Smith - Methodist Examiner
Megachurch Tactics Revealed - Article

His most recent post includes a discussion on contemporary, relevant churches in America today with a video produced by the North Point video team out of Alpharetta, Ga. The video is a crafty, satirical take on the methods of contemporary churches. As James-Michael points out, in knowing people and leadership at that church, it might just serve as a "prophetic word of caution... to churches seeking to be hip and relevant in our culture."

What I appreciate the most out of the video is the attention to detail. I love their little blip poking fun at the use of the papyrus font. As somebody who appreciates design and has even had training in design, it is sickening to see people use the typographical error other wise known as papyrus font anytime they want to make the font look cool. That is kind of like a party fowl.

One more thing - expand this video to full screen if you can..... Enjoy!

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