
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sustainability........Why? AGAIN

For those of you following, please don't misunderstand me. Going "green" is ultimately a good thing. In fact, it should provide an opportunity to share the real reason why this planet is valuable and worth protecting.

God has made us stewards of this planet. Though it will go away we still should be stewards of it. If not for being a good steward, it is a good place to start a spiritual conversation with somebody and share the good news of Jesus Christ with them.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Being in the world of design, it is impossible to escape the buzz words "sustainability" and "green". Frankly, I am rather disgusted with them. What's the point? Why should I involve myself in practices that support this effort? Well, asking the question why is exactly why I am writing this post. It occurred to me as I pondered the question of 'why' that there is value placed on protecting our planet and making it a better place, but what became even more evident to me as I asked this question was how does one derive an a priori epistemological foundation for valuing this earth and making it a better place? In other words, how does one know that this earth is valuable and worth preserving in the first place? When people throw around words like "sustainability" and "green" have they even thought through their epistemological foundations for this? Does their world view support the idea that this world is valuable and worth saving? I think I can be convinced to make sounder decisions to be "green" and "sustainable", but please note, that I don't think it is enough to throw around without considering how their world view provides a foundation for living this way.